First of all, I want to apologize to any of you reading for taking so long to get a new post out… The past few days haven’t been the best for me… lots of stress, lots of confusion, and lots of anger… A series of events starting a few weeks ago has continued and increased throughout the past weeks and finally climaxed over this past weekend… These events have been very stressful and frustrating for me as they are very close to my heart. Sunday night I attended the Pulse (a gathering of seniors and college age students that meets once a month at our church.) Pastor Andre preached on the sovereignty and sufficiency of Christ. This was an extremely well needed reminder that came at the perfect time. God knows what’s going on… how its going to end… and He’s all I really need anyway… I love God’s timing! (I don’t believe in coincidence…) While this message spoke to me in many ways regarding this situation, the stress, anger, and frustration remains. These aren’t easy truths to grasp and accept in our finite minds. All this to say please pray that these situations would be resolved and also that I would hold fast to the promises of God and not sin in my anger… Thanks for your prayers… love ya all…
Tragedy in Texas: Christian Testimony in the Face of Evil
When we cannot trace God's hand, we are simply to trust his heart.
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