Well, after a little bit of down time, I’m back up on the blog with some different stuff. As I mentioned in the last post, I’m going to start posting some “thoughts” on some more things… news, movies, tech, whatever.
Just saw National Treasure: Book of Secrets tonight. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. The title itself and the trailer had me thinking they should’ve stopped with the first movie. It seemed to me like it was going to be one of those cases where the original was a bigger hit than expected and the production company tried milk it for all its worth with a sequel. Typically the sequel has a rough plot line, a terrible ending, and basically bombs. However, in this case I was impressed. While I still hold that the first movie is better, National Treasure: Book of Secrets kept my attention and was surprisingly interesting and entertaining. It carried a deeper storyline than I expected and had a little bit of a twist at the end. Of course it was good to see the original cast back as well. Just take this movie for what it is (a fictional adventure) and it will be an enjoyable attention grabbing film. The writers even led the audience to believe that there will be a third, which I now would be much more excited to see.
Rotten Tomatoes
Tragedy in Texas: Christian Testimony in the Face of Evil
When we cannot trace God's hand, we are simply to trust his heart.
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