“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh…” Romans 13:14
I just finished reading a couple of Puckett’s posts and they really got me thinking. He was talking about what living the “Christian life” in today’s world really looks like. (For those of you on Facebook check out his notes: “Here I Stand” and “Priorities, Rights, and more…”)
Anyway, I’d already been thinking things sort of along these lines, and Josh’s thoughts helped me get mine together…
Several days ago, in my quite time, I came across a verse I’d heard many times, but the meaning became very clear that night. The verse was Romans 13:14 which says, “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh…” There’s so many practical applications in these 14 words. The word provision is defined as, “the action of providing or supplying something for use.” The word flesh here is talking about man’s sinful nature. So… What does it mean to make no provision for the flesh? Literally this means do not even provide a way for sin to enter your life. Avoid sin at all costs! How do we do this? This is something I’m still wrestling with… but I have come to some conclusions… These are simple yet practical. They are things Christians struggle with everyday. If you know watching inappropriate things on TV tempts you, don’t watch TV alone. If you are tempted to view inappropriate things on the internet don’t get on the internet without some sort of accountability. If drinking or smoking tempts you don’t put yourself in situations where these things are accessible. If you struggle with bad language, gossip, or even just unkind words (Matthew 12:36-To be discussed in a later post) constantly think about what you’re saying… get an accountability partner, do whatever it takes! AVOID SIN AT ALL COSTS! These may seem obvious but think about it… do you actually do these sorts of things? Do you do everything you can to avoid sin no matter how hard it is? We have no rights except the right to serve our Lord with all that we are!
I could expound a lot more on this and I may later but what it all comes down to is, “…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31. HE is all that really matters! I encourage you and challenge you forget about everything else… follow Jesus at all costs… He is worth all… He is your reason… He is why you exist!
Tragedy in Texas: Christian Testimony in the Face of Evil
When we cannot trace God's hand, we are simply to trust his heart.
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