Saturday, December 6, 2008
snow in morehead!
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2:33 PM
Friday, December 5, 2008
I've mentioned this before... but this past summer I had the privilege of leading the music along with my youth groups praise band at the youth section of ABWE's Missionary Enrichment Conference. Our electric guitar player was unable to go, and through a few phone conversations, my youth pastor, who was speaking at the Conference, found out that one of the counselors, Mykal Bradley, played guitar. The counselors for this conference are college age ABWE "missionary kids" from all around the world. So anyway, Mykal played with us that week and we had a great time. We found out that he was in a band back home in Coventry, England called Being Jo Fracis. Well, they just finished recording their first EP and have three songs up on their Myspace. I really like their sound... check them out. The EP will be up on iTunes very soon and I encourage you to buy it and support these guys!

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5:44 PM
from my friends at the Remedies blog

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2:59 PM
Last night in Bible study we were talking about Philippians 2:12 where Paul tells the Philippians to "work out their salvation with fear and trembling." We were discussing exactly what Paul meant by "with fear and trembling." We all agreed that he didn't mean to literally be shaking with fear our whole lives as we live as Christians or that we have to work to attain and maintain salvation, but rather to have a sort of reverence and respect for the Author of our Salvation. Another person in my group gave this analogy... She said it's kind of like when, as children, we break something, we aren't afraid that our parents are going to disown us or hurt us, rather we are afraid that they will be disappointed or hurt by our actions. This analogy had so much truth and conviction in it for me...
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2:19 PM