Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
so this morning i was doing my devotions for my discipleship program here at the BCM and part of the days devotion had me reading I Corinthians 13:4-6. i saw this and automatically had the typical thought of any 'christian school/grown up in church' kid. this thought went something like this, "oh, I Corinthians 13, that's the love chapter. i've read this hundreds of times, why am i turning here again?" but despite the thought, i turned there anyway because i had to list the characteristics of love. so i journeyed through the pages and arrived at my destination. i started in verse 4 and as i read something awesome hit me. at the end of verse 5 in my new american standard bible it says that love 'does not take into account a wrong suffered.' now you may be thinking... "ok, so what the point? why is this so cool?' well think about it... we all know that the Bible says God is Love (I John 4:8) and if 'not taking into account a wrong suffered' is a characteristic of love, then it must be a characteristic of God. do you see what i'm saying? here is another proof that God hold nothing against us! if we come with humbled repentant hearts God forgives unconditionally. our slate is wiped clean, white as snow. just another evidence of the great grace and forgiveness of our God...
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3:42 PM