I recently discovered a young band... OneRepubic. They have a really cool unique sound. They are probably most known for their song "Apologize" that they recorded with Timbaland. Check them out:
Blogged with Flock
I recently discovered a young band... OneRepubic. They have a really cool unique sound. They are probably most known for their song "Apologize" that they recorded with Timbaland. Check them out:
Blogged with Flock
Posted by
10:13 PM
Ok so... I know I told some people that I was going to write a review on this movie a long time ago... and I didn't lie... it just took me a while. Sorry about that. Anyway...
So I went to see "Cloverfield" shortly after it opened. I'd seen the previews for this movie and I was really excited about it! It looked sweet. The CGI looked amazing and the movie just looked like it was going to be sweet! I heard some different rumors about what the monster was leading up to the movie... and I was almost hoping that if it was simply just a monster, that it was going to a new Godzilla flick. All that to say, I walked into the theater with pretty high expectations for this movie. After about the first ten minutes I began to have doubts, and by the end I was extremely disappointed in this movie. First of all, the back story of the movie is that the government has found a tape recording the incident of the attack and is playing it for the public. The video the government supposedly found was there because a guy was videotaping his friends going away party while the attack happened and he left the camera on. All that to say, the entire movie was filmed from a single hand held camera. As the characters run, jump, hide, and climb throughout NYC one of them is holding this camera. There were literally times I had to look away from the screen to avoid getting motion sickness... I really liked the idea of the single hand held camera but it was simply too much.
My second beef with this movie was the motive of the monster... Why was it attacking? Why then? Why NYC? To may loose ends.
Third, what was it? It wasn't Godzilla. It kinda looked like an alien lobster... anybody know what it was supposed to be?
Fourth... the ending was terrible... those of you who've seen it know what I'm saying, maybe you disagree, but I think it was terrible. I'll just say it was kinda like "A Perfect Storm" on steroids.
In summary, it seemed to me that "Cloverfield" was basically people who had this good, original idea, and rushed to get it out there without really thinking about it and developing a good story.
Blogged with Flock
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11:12 PM