We made a decision yesterday that we were going to climb the three mountain peaks across the street from campus before the end of the spring semester. Today was peak number one. We set off at about three this afternoon... we drove to the park and began the climb. Now if you look at my last post, you'll see that yesterday there was snow on the ground here in Morehead... that snow was still on the ground. The climb up was a little difficult and cold... but we made it! When we got to the top... we tried to make a fire, but that didn't work out to well... apparently snow and fire don't mix. We did have another surprise waiting for us... we stubbled upon a geocache. For those who may not know... a geocache is some sort of container someone places out in the wilderness... geocachers then find the GPS co-ordinance of the cache and go hiking and searching for it. Well we found it by accident. Once you find said cache you are supposed to sign and date a notebook that will be inside, take one item from the cache, and leave one item of your own. We took a ball with an elastic string on it... ya know... one of those that you can throw and it bounces back. We didn't come prepared with anything cool to leave... so we left a picture of one of our friends with her number on the back and another friends cigar. Anyway... the view was great and we had a great time, but the trek back down was the best. We got in a line and slid almost the whole way down. So... one down, two to go. Here's some pics from the trip...
Tragedy in Texas: Christian Testimony in the Face of Evil
When we cannot trace God's hand, we are simply to trust his heart.
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