Saturday, April 26, 2008

I'm back

Well... I'm back... As I said before, It's been absolutely too long since I've had a chance to post here, and there's so much I could talk about. I made a couple changes to the blog, out with the old, in with the new, hope you like the new look!

Funny thing, after I finished the post yesterday I headed over to the jsquared podcast blog to see if they had updated, and it just so happened that a new post had come up just a little bit before I finished mine. Head on over there for a good review of the new Facebook chat, and some other catching up with jsquared. Anyway, while reading through their post, a learned about a new Twitter client. I had previously been using Twitterific. I really didn't have any problems with it. It's features were limited but I figured I couldn't complain for a free app. All that to say, I found out about Twhirl. Twhirl is a similar app. It puts a fairly small box (a little bit bigger than Twitterific) on your desktop that displays the tweets of people you follow, and allows you to post tweets of your own. It has a lot more features than Twitterific, and also makes some of the same features easier, such as messaging and replying. It also has built in URL shortening, and instant access to your friends/followers. The best part is, it's absolutely free! Needless to say, I'm already a big fan of Twhirl, and I've only had it for a few hours. I'm sure there are more features I haven't even found yet!

On to... politics. The Democratic party just can't find a winner. As of now Obama holds a slight lead over Clinton.

Obama 1,724 (Super-delegates Included)
Clinton 1,589 (Super-delegates Included)

From my viewpoint neither of these candidates are going to give up. Why? If Clinton looses this year, she's done. In 4 (or 8) years, one, she'll already have this loss going against her, and, two, people will begin to talk about her age, her capabilities, etc. Obama, on the other hand, simply has nothing to loose. Worst case scenario for him is he continues as a Senator. However, if he drops out, it would diminish his chances of winning if he runs again in the future. Looking at this, I see a brokered convention coming up, however, the Democrats aren't talking that way. Why? I don't know. Any ideas?

Well, there's so much more I could say, but this post is getting to be pretty long, so I'll end it for now and hopefully be back in the next couple days with some thoughts on other issues. I'd love to hear your comments. Check out my links, stories, and all the other great stuff provided here on the blog! Talk to ya later!


Josh Burns said...

Good post Joseph. I like how easy it is to read your posts. You write clearly and to the point. Good work. And thanks for promoting the podcast and the blog.

Josh Puckett said...

Obama is already the winner... Hilary's poli career is basically done.. now let's see how McCain will fair against Obama..

Joseph said...

i agree that obama will win, but i still see a brokered convention determining that... which could have some different effects on the campaign