Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the awkward message

well i've been in college for almost two months now and i'm loving every minute of it. i've made lots of great friends and done a lot of fun stuff already... but that's not the point of this post....
i've found a church down here i really like called Crosspoint Church and our pastor, Daniel Lucas, is the man. he's funny and easy to listen to, but most importantly, he preaches the truth. he's so real with his church. this past sunday he started a new series called "hostage." unfortunately i'm going to miss the majority of the series due to 'circumstances beyond my control' :) but again, not the point. the point of this series is to talk about different current issues that hold christians 'hostage' from truly living the free, joyful life Christ has designed for us. the topic form this past week was money. financial difficulty is one of the most common struggles among people today, and christians are not excluded from this statistic. now we all know that the Bible commands tithing... and that brings me to the point. a good pastor preaches the truth right? and the truth about christians and money is that we need to tithe... i've always felt sorry for good truth preaching pastors when they have to talk about tithing. you can tell it feels awkward for them, and i think that's a good thing. you can tell they are struggling so much because they don't want it to seem like they're asking for money, but, to a point they are (for their church)... and it's the right thing to do. now understand, i'm not talking about these televangelists who ask for money and say that all your wildest dreams will come true if you give to them. i'm talking about humble pastors who simply want to preach the truth. and again, don't get me wrong, it's true, God will bless those who give as he commands, but those blessings may not be returned financially and they may not be immediate...
so i really have no solution to this... i don't even know if it requires a solution... those we're just some thoughts that came to me and i thought i'd share.


Murdering Muses said...

Dude, Tithe is a huge issue I have had trouble with in my life. As a young, poor college student it has been really hard for me to b consistent in giving to the Lord. But something that has made this easier in recent days is sort of a discovery on a personal level.
Through time, I have come to see Tithing as something that is not required of us. I mean this to say, it is a necessity for a Christian to honor God with his money and make offerings of it back. But for so long this area has been taught in a way that I would almost call "the one part of the Old Testament Law that made it through." I have always heard the doctrine of Tithe as a your supposed to give 10% of your earning back to God. The truth as I come to find it is that a Christian completely committed to God desires to honor God with all that he has, and when living from that desire Tithe naturally involves itself in the process. Some may dissagree, but I find 10% an arbitrary number, and I see Tithe as something that should only be done from the right place. I don't think its a sacrifice in the Old Testament terms, and therefore I think it should be done with pure motives or not done at all, I would even say that there are times when a Christian shouldn't Tithe because his heart is in a wrong, begrudging place. This goes against most of what I have traditionally known to be Tithing etiquite.
I just know that in this understanding I have immense joy in not worrying about puting the right number of bills in the coffer, but instead in counting out each dollar before the Lord and telling Him how much He is worth them.

Josh Burns said...

yeah i feel ya on this one. it must be the common thing these days to talk about money. my pastor today gave a message about money, granted it was about the economic crisis that is going on, but still it was about money and i'm sure not an easy one to give. it wasn't specifically about tithing though.